Thoughts on Noah and the Ark
My four year old son and I have a game that he likes to play in the car called "T-Rex and Garbageadon." In this game, I am both the T-Rex and Garbageadon, one dinosaur and one "dino truck," and I'm always hungry. Garbageadon likes to eat trash, so my son will look for objects around him that he pretends he can feed me. "Garbageadon, here's some paper! Garbageadon, there's a car you can eat!" I gobble them up with loud "Om nom nom" noises and he giggles in delight. T-Rex is a little more tricky to feed, because T-Rex is a carnivore, and wants to eat people. My son usually solves this problem by pretending to go through the Chick-fil-a drive thru (I adopt a pleasant voice and ask him how I can help him today; if there was an Emmy for acting while driving, I'd win it) and ordering thousands of chicken nuggets. Actually the number he orders is "twenty-six thirty-one," which is the number he uses to represent the concept of...